sentence examples quarry

sentence examples quarry

  • Use quarry in a sentence | quarry sentence examples

    Quarry sentence examples quarry I went skinny dipping in the quarry where I'd been told not to go 334 165 There is a large limestone quarry within the borough limits 134 70 The same quarry produces both kinds, and indeed the same block is sometimes half red and half white 73 48 The quarry mines on the top of the hill near Tawmaw produce enormous quantities, but the quality is not soExamples of quarry in a sentence, how to use it 99 examples: All four books bear witness to the fact that the comparative approachquarry in a sentence | Sentence examples by Cambridge

  • gravel quarry in a sentence | Sentence examples by

    Examples of gravel quarry in a sentence, how to use it 15 examples: There is significant gravel quarrying in the region 94 people walk/cycle toExamples of old quarry in a sentence, how to use it 19 examples: Tipping and landfill of old quarry sites and the building of sea defencesold quarry in a sentence | Sentence examples by

  • How to use "quarry" in a sentence

    Sentence Examples New stones were being collected from the same quarry that had been mined for the original construction At a quarry in Lancashire a 13year old girl became stuck waistdeep in a muddy pool The focus of mining then shifted back to the upper level, and during the 1980s a tunnel was driven northward into the quarry wall The whole philosophy of a stone quarry is to leveragequarry Definition of quarry | Is quarry a word in the ,* The following sentence examples have been gathered from multiple sources to keep up with the current times, none of them represent the opinions of Word Game Dictionary Write your own sentence example for Quarry and get creative, maybe even funnyQuarry dictionary definition | quarry definedquarry definition The definition of a quarry is aquarry in a sentence example

  • Can You Use The Word Quarry In A Sentence

    Quarry Sentence Examples Patisseriewestveld Use quarry in a sentence use quarry in a example sentences with the word quarry, a sentence example for quarry, and quarry in sample sentencese quarry in a sentence grinding mill china quarry sentence examples can you use the word quarry in a sentence sentence for quarry in noun form limestone quarry benin republic limestonequarry sentence examples vdlinstrumentsnl The Word Quarry In A Sentence jodhacoin 10 example sentences for Quarry Read this page and learn how to use Quarry in a sentence *Word of the Day * Get vocabulary sentences delivered to Live Chat; Quarry In A Sentence Example jdpolymerscoin can you use the word quarry in a sentence Sentences and phrases with the word quarrythe word quarry in a sentence

  • abandoned quarry in a sentence | Sentence examples by

    Examples of abandoned quarry in a sentence, how to use it 19 examples: He sells the stamps and uses the proceeds to build his own hotel in anQuarries sentence examples In Washington county there are quarries near Northfield 36 3 It possesses large cotton mills, and quarries and coalmines are worked in the immediate neighbourhood 3 1 The stone quarries and minerals are little worked 3 2 Mining, quarries 261,320 5,031 266,351 3 3 Other important granite quarries are near Williamstown, Dummerston, Berlin andUse quarries in a sentence | quarries sentence examples

  • the word quarry in a sentence

    quarry sentence examples vdlinstrumentsnl The Word Quarry In A Sentence jodhacoin 10 example sentences for Quarry Read this page and learn how to use Quarry in a sentence *Word of the Day * Get vocabulary sentences delivered to Live Chat; Quarry In A Sentence Example jdpolymerscoin can you use the word quarry in a sentence Sentences and phrases with the word quarryquarry Definition of quarry | Is quarry a word in the ,* The following sentence examples have been gathered from multiple sources to keep up with the current times, none of them represent the opinions of Word Game Dictionary Write your own sentence example for Quarry and get creative, maybe even funnyQuarry dictionary definition | quarry definedquarry definition The definition of a quarry is aquarry in a sentence example casadicurascarnatiit

  • quarry sentence examples icsfalconeborsellinoit

    Quarry in a Sentence Examples of Quarry in a Sentence Sentence Information The average Flesch readingease score of the 43 example sentences provided below is 590, which suggests that "quarry" is a fairly difficult word that is likely understood by a majority of individuals with an undergraduate degree, and may be found in ocassionaly in news articles or other forms of literature 【GetOnly less important and only less early to be established in Vermont was the quarrying of granite, which began in 1812, but which has been developed chiefly since 1880, largely by means of the building of "granite railroads" which connect each quarry with a main railway line a means of transportation as important as the logging railways of the Western states and of CanadaUse quarrying in a sentence | quarrying sentence examples

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    quarry in a sentence Quarry in a Sentence Examples of Quarry in a Sentence Learn how to use quarry in a sentence by viewing numerous example sentences for quarry, along with the definition of quarry, synonyms, antonyms and more 【24/7 online】 to use quarry in an appositive sentences qubitvinl Use quarry in a sentence | quarry sentence exampl The tufa, sperone and peperino were easyQuarry Sentence Examples Patisseriewestveld Use quarry in a sentence use quarry in a example sentences with the word quarry, a sentence example for quarry, and quarry in sample sentencese quarry in a sentence grinding mill china quarry sentence examples can you use the word quarry in a sentence sentence for quarry in noun form limestone quarry benin republic limestoneCan You Use The Word Quarry In A Sentence

  • A Sentence With The Quarry

    Quarry in a sentence examples of words in sentences sentence informationThe average flesch readingease score of the 43 example sentences provided below is 590, which suggests that quarry is a fairly difficult word that is likely understood by a majority of individuals with an undergraduate degree, and may be found in ocassionaly in news Read More Quarry Dictionary Definition Quarry DefinedExample sentences with the word quarry quarry example sentenc definitions sentencessentence exampl quarry sentence examples , quarry sentence exampl inquiry linking words by viv quarry scribd linking words an introduction by viv quarry vivquarry , it is bad style to start a sentence with these words and but so because then until such as Quarry Definition For English Language LearnersSentences With The Word Quarry

  • How To Use Quarry In A Sentence veluwemtbnl

    Quarry in a Sentence Examples of Quarry in a Sentence · Sentence Information The average Flesch readingease score of the 43 example sentences provided below is 590, which suggests that "quarry" is a fairly difficult word that is likely understood by a majority of individuals with an undergraduate degree, and may be found in ocassionaly in news articles or other forms of literatureExample sentences with the word quarry quarry example sentences This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience Quarry in a Sentence 43 Real Example Sentences Hunting, no matter the quarry is what you make it Source Quarry: In a Sentence WORDS IN A SENTENCE Definition of Quarry an area from which materials like stone are removed Examples of Quarry in a sentenceuse quarry in a sentence sorrisosailingnl

  • Quarry In A Sentence Example

    Quarry in a Sentence Examples of Quarry in a Sentence EXAMPLES Quarry in a Sentence Hunting, no matter the quarry is what you make it The quarry was a desolate, forbidding place anyway Up there in the quarry is a car loaded with granite Two finishing concerns located at the quarry are the J When I go hunting, harvesting my quarry is just aUse quarry in a sentence | quarry sentence examples How to use quarry in a sentenceExample sentences with the word quarryquarry example sentenc Know More quarry in a sentence quarry in a sentence: The base of the quarry is the only flat part of the site and this is used for car access and the entrance to the house; Their quarry is a UN aide worker named Marion Dupuis who, Know Moresentences with the word quarry

  • Quarry Sentence Examples EQUFIX Mining machine

    Example sentences with the word quarry quarry example sentences how can you use quarry in a sentence wiki answers the noun quarry has two distinct meanings 1 a hunted animal prey 2 an open excavation or stonecutting pit examples noun while stalking his quarry the Online Chat Quarry Dictionary Definition Quarry Defined Sentence examples i went skinny dipping in the quarry whereQuarry in a Sentence Examples of Quarry in a Sentence EXAMPLES Quarry in a Sentence Hunting, no matter the quarry is what you make it The quarry was a desolate, forbidding place anyway Up there in the quarry is a car loaded with granite Two finishing concerns located at the quarry are the J When I go hunting, harvesting my quarry is just a bonus [Chat Online] Quarry in a sentencequarry in a sentence schroderstoffennl

  • Use Quarry In A Sentence kwaliteitsvoegernl

    Quarry in a Sentence Examples of Quarry in a Sentence Sentence Information The average Flesch readingease score of the 43 example sentences provided below is 590, which suggests that "quarry" is a fairly difficult word that is likely understood by a majority of individuals with an undergraduate degree, and may be found in ocassionaly in news articles or other forms of literatureQuarry in a sentence Good sentence examples for every word! 143+7 sentence examples: 1 The hunters lost sight of their quarry in the forest 2 There's a burst water main in Quarry Road 3 Briefly, the hunter and his quarry glared at each other 4 This mountain was the site for a quarry 5 The photographe Get Price Price: Chat Online How to use quarry in a sentence WordHippo A quarry is aThe Word Quarry In A Sentence

  • 21 sentence examples using Quarry Power Thesaurus

    How to use quarry in a sentence The quarry list of example sentences with quarry quarry / examples quarry in a sentence 21 Lists synonyms antonyms definitions examples "I look like a quarry someone has dynamited" Charles Bronson "The quarry is a specific Russian submarine" "Pilotfish who counsel both predator and quarry in mergers" "It has a slate floor and a quarry tiledExample sentences with the word quarry quarry example sentenc Quarry dictionary definition | quarry defined An example of quarry is when you do the action of getting granite slabs from a deep hole in the ground Quarry in a Sentence Examples of Quarry in a Sentence Get Price Online Chat ; Use quarries in a sentence | quarries sentence examples How to use quarries in a sentencethe word quarry in a sentence vakantiewoninginzweden

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