aluminum crusher invention
KitchenAluminumCanCrushers – Who invented the aluminum can crusher? : Jesse M Wright invented the first aluminum can crusher in 1937 Mr Wright received aThe general purpose of the present invention, which will be described subsequently in greater detail, is to provide a new automatic aluminum can crusher apparatus and method which has many of theUSA Automatic aluminum can crusher
Field of the Invention This invention relates to aluminum can crushers, and more particularly to an aluminum can crusher of the type having a driving gear engaged with a gear rack and controlled by a handle to drive a crushing plate to slide inside a housing for crushing aluminum cans, by means of the guidance of two opposite pairs of parallel rails[0023] The present invention is an electric aluminum can crusher, designated generally as 10 in the drawings, which show the crusher 10 in schematic form The can crusher 10 is intended for household use, as well as use in such commercial establishments as bars, restaurants, and the likeElectric aluminum can crusher SCHELL KEVIN W
The invention utilizes a base 10 which is bolted as at 12 in FIG 3 to either a horizontal or vertical surface, 14 or 16, respectively To this plate a first hinge 18 mounts a crusher plate 20, the other end of which has a pair of flanges 22 straddling a pivotally connected actuator arm 24 of a lever arm 26DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to an apparatus for crushing cans which, as can be seen by the figures, contemplates the use ofUSA Can crusher Google Patents
The general purpose of the present invention, which will be described subsequently in greater detail, is to provide a new automatic aluminum can crusher apparatus and method which has many of the advantages of the can compressors mentioned heretofore and many novel features that result in a new automatic aluminum can crusher which is not anticipated, rendered obvious, suggested, or evenThe above objectives are achieved in accordance with the present invention by providing a novel, hand held and hand operated device for compacting an aluminum beverage can The device has anUSA Hand held aluminum can crusher
The present invention is a selfcontained unit designed to manually compact aluminum cans 2 Prior Art The Yelczyn et al Patent (US Pat No 5,584,239) is directed to a pivoted can crusher with a handle The Accettura et al Patent (US Pat No 4,393,765) is directed to an aluminum can compactor where the can rests between a series of legsInvention and Design Report Step 1 (Problem Statement): How could aluminum cans be most efficiently reduced in volume so as to increase productivity in recycling? Step 2 (Description of Research Collected): The majority of the research we found was based on creating the prototype itself as such pneumatic devices only seem to exist on an industrialAutomated Can Crusher Project tlee753
[0023] The present invention is an electric aluminum can crusher, designated generally as 10 in the drawings, which show the crusher 10 in schematic form The can crusher 10 is intended for household use, as well as use in such commercial establishments as bars, restaurants, and the likeCan crushers make it possible to make small stackable piles that save space Jesse M Wright was the man who invented the aluminum can crusher in 1937,Who Invented Can Crusher | Crusher Mills, Cone
A new automatic aluminum can crusher for compacting aluminum cans for disposal includes an upper housing comprised of a first compartment and a second compartment The first compartment has an open upper end with a lid hingedly coupled thereto The first compartment has an opening through a bottom thereof A crushing mechanism is disposed within the upper housingIn operation, the invention 10 operates by placing an aluminum can 40 inside of the can slot 22, and pushing the handle 31 toward the base 20 Once the aluminum can 40 is crushed, the springs 33 will raise the crushing device 30, and the crushed aluminum can 40 can be removed from the can slot 22Selfstanding aluminum can crushing device Murray,
Can crusher is a tool that is used for crushing empty aluminum cans for easier recycling It is a tool for everyday usage and is especially useful for those, who use a lot of cans, for example, drinking soda from aluminum cans The most common type of cans that people use regularly are soda cansHand held aluminum can crusher United States Patent Abstract: A hand held and hand operated device for compacting and crushing an aluminum beverage can is disclosed The device comprises an elongate handle that is grasped by the user's hand A particular objective of the invention is to provide a novel, inexpensive device ofHand held aluminum can crusher LARSON; DAVID P
Invention and Design Report Step 1 (Problem Statement): How could aluminum cans be most efficiently reduced in volume so as to increase productivity in recycling? Step 2 (Description of Research Collected): The majority of the research we found was based on creating the prototype itself as such pneumatic devices only seem to exist on an industrialMark recently called me to see his latest creation before he gave it to his son When I went to his shop to check it out I was flabbergasted He made a human powered beer can crusher His son wanted a fun way to recycle aluminum cans This inventionAustin Texas Inventor Creates Creative Way To Recycle
Easy Pull Can Crusher The first of five best 12 oz can crushers are this Easy Pull can crusher, that is an aluminum can crusher produced by company called Easy Pull, hence the name of the can crusherThis can recycling tool is made out of 3 basic materials – the body consists of nylon, that will give the crusherThe invention would provide a user with a convenient way to reduce the volume of recycled cans Ideal for households that recycle, the unit would be easy to operate and feature a durable construction The JJ Can Crusher would consist of a modified can crusher composed of a post mounted to a base and a springloaded crushing mechanismInventHelp® Client Invents "JJ Can Crusher" An
Mark recently called me to see his latest creation before he gave it to his son When I went to his shop to check it out I was flabbergasted He made a human powered beer can crusher His son wanted a fun way to recycle aluminum cans This inventionJUNIOR INVENTION BY BUREAU OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT เว็บไซต์รายชื่อสิ่งประดิษฐ์คนรุ่นใหม่ โดยสำนักงานคณะกรรมการการอาชีวศึกษา บทคัดย่อ A pneumatic powered cancrusher is the key objective for student to use theirTHAI INVENTION
Invention and Design Report Step 1 (Problem Statement): How could aluminum cans be most efficiently reduced in volume so as to increase productivity in recycling? Step 2 (Description of Research Collected): The majority of the research we found was based on creating the prototype itself as such pneumatic devices only seem to exist on an industrialEnter the Zertronix Automatic Aluminum Can Crusher, a spectacular prototype of a device that runs on a rechargable battery and crushes cans For another cool invention that will completely changeThe Automatic Can Crusher ConceptNo More
Easy Pull Can Crusher The first of five best 12 oz can crushers are this Easy Pull can crusher, that is an aluminum can crusher produced by company called Easy Pull, hence the name of the can crusherThis can recycling tool is made out of 3 basic materials – the body consists of nylon, that will give the crusherThe invention would provide a user with a convenient way to reduce the volume of recycled cans Ideal for households that recycle, the unit would be easy to operate and feature a durable construction The JJ Can Crusher would consist of a modified can crusher composed of a post mounted to a base and a springloaded crushing mechanismInventHelp® Client Invents "JJ Can Crusher" An
HAMMER CRUSHER GRILL LINDEMANN Sep 19, 2013· The invention relates to a hammer crusher grate A hammer crusher, also called a hammer mill, is a comminution machine (crusher, shredder) which is used since long—for example—for industrial treatment of raw materials but as well for comminuting scrap (residual materials)Productive and Sustainable Alumina Production March 9, 2021, 3:42 pm Editor’s Note: On August 3 rd, 1888, Austrian chemist Karl Josef Bayer working in Saint Petersburg, Russia was granted German patent 43977 for his invention involving a process for the production of aluminum hydroxide At the time, his invention was used by the textileProductive and Sustainable Alumina Production
The invention is a plastic bottle crushing that includes a housing having a slidable tray that is positioned underneath the bottle to be crushed in order for any remaining liquids contained within said bottle to be collected The housing also includes a bottom crushing surface that has a hole in order to support the top portion of the plastic bottle in an inverted positionAluminum Can Crusher Aluminum Can Crusher Suppliers Aluminium Can Scrap, Mini Stone Crusher Machine Price, Cone Crusher Mantle 1,421 Aluminum Can Crusher Products Are Offered For Sale By Suppliers On , Of Which Plastic Crushing Machines Accounts For 14%, Crusher Accounts For 14%, And Other Household Sundries Accounts For 2%Aluminium Can Crusher Scrap Spielgruppe
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