general copper ore cut off grade
Break Even Analysis – How to Calculate the Cut Off Grade For conducting a mining project’s break even analysis, you first need to know about the operational expenses (OPEX) When the OPEX is known, you can calculate the mineral’s cut off grade, which is the break even grade, below which it is not economically viable to mine the ore Dec 05, 2011· Cutoff Grade Theory and Practice Consider a block of ore that weighs 1 tonne and contains 3 grams of gold At a gold price of US$1000 per ounce the value of the gold in the block of oreMining Valuation Lesson: CutOff Grade Theory And Practice
Dec 04, 2011· That means that the higher the cutoff grade, there is even a possibility that the NPV would be negative as the mine life and recoverable ore becomes too small The important factor is selecting the cutoff grade that yields the highest NPV In our table, that means selecting the 25 grams per tonne cutoff gradeCutOff grade is the minimum grade required in order for a mineral or metal to be economically mined (or processed) Material found to be above this grade is considered to be ore, while material below this grade is considered to be waste The cutoff grade can be determined through a variety of methods, each of varying complexityCutoff grade Wikipedia
The lowest cutoff grade for milling is 018% copper equivalent, for crushed leach 012% and for ROM leach 005% In 2012 the Paracatu mine, operated by Kinross Gold Corporation in Brazil, treated around 58 million tonnes of ore at a grade of around 04gramsTable of ContentsTraditional Cutoff Grades in Open Pit MiningHeuristic Cutoff Grade Optimization TechniquesOptimizing The Cutoff Grades By Lane’s ApproachAlgorithm for Determining Optimum Cutoff Grades Cutoff grade is defined as the grade that is normally used to discriminate between ore and waste within a given orebody Although the definition of cutoff grade is very precise, the choice ofCut Off Grade Calculation Optimization
Feb 17, 2018· Understanding CutOff Grade 4 (Tonnage, Grade, and Costs) or "Why is my mine losing money?" Published on February 17, 2018 February 17, 2018 • 171 Likes • 14 CommentsCutOff Grades For Mineral Resource Reporting: Going The Extra Rare Earth Mile This means knowing the costs and practicalities of mining and processing for a particular product A cutoff grade (COG) is an industryaccepted standard expression used to determine what part of a mineral deposit to include in a mineral resource estimate (MRE)CutOff Grades For Mineral Resource Reporting: Going The
May 12, 2006· The grade of ore refers to the proportion of gold contained in the ore of a particular mine and is quoted in grams per tonne (g/t) The type of mine depends on the depth and grade of the ore At a rough estimate, the larger, better quality South African underground operations are around 810g/t (Anglogold), while the marginal South AfricanMay 12, 2006· The grade of ore refers to the proportion of gold contained in the ore of a particular mine and is quoted in grams per tonne (g/t) The type of mine depends on the depth and grade of the ore At a rough estimate, the larger, better quality South African underground operations are around 810g/t (Anglogold), while the marginal South AfricanMining Cutoff Grades | Aussie Stock Forums
The cutoff grade of an ore is essentially the lowest grade of an ore that is worth mining If the ore grade is less than the cutoff grade, then a mining company will not make money mining that ore According to Fellows (2010), the cutoff grade of an ore is one of the main factors in determining the economics of the mineIn simple terms everything above the cutoff grade is ore, everything below is waste In essence, it is the core determinate when defining an ore body It will determine all of the critical parameters , such as the grade of the deposit, the size of the deposit and theWhat is cutoff grade? An Geology for Investors
g– is the average grade of the ore above cutoff In the limiting cases the following formulae apply for mining: for processing and for marketing Note the last two terms for the processing and marketing equations are identical in form and in each case the cutoff grade will fall as F declines because the remaining life of the mine is reducedAverage Grade: The concentration of a mineral in the ore body (ie % or g/t) 2% copper and 15 gram per tonne gold: Strike Length: The length in which the mineralization is found in the ore body (horizontally) 500 meters: Depth: The depth in which the mineralization is found in the oreMineral Deposit Value How to Calculate the Potential
First Quantum’s CLC copper deposit is exceptionally rich, and with ore reserves grading 5% copper it is believed to be the highestgrade openpit active copper mine worldwideoptimum cutoff grades for the equivalent variable can be found by using any of the established methods of single mineral cutoff grade optimization, eg, Lane (1964, 1988), Dowd (1976) Operating cutoff grades for the equivalent grades do not necessarily correspond to achievable, or even meaningful, cutoff grades for the gradetonnage distribMultimineral cutoff grade optimization by grid search
At the time “low grade” referred to grades less than 25% copper and large was 10’s of millions of tons This was the start of the porphyry era, which continues to this day Bingham Canyon was the first low grade porphyry copper deposit off the rank Operations commenced in 1905 on a reserve of about 40 million short tons at the then veryIf you take into account the probable cut off you can see how small the margins are porphyry deposits are very sensitive to metal prices These examples are some of the cadillacs of the ore deposit worlds but other lower grade porphyry deposits can become uneconomic with just a 20% drop in copperGeology of Porphyry Copper Deposits
Feb 07, 2020· Using the World Gold Council's g/t standard, many of the world's highgrade gold mines are in the United States, Russian, and Peru The Fire Creek mine in Battle Mountain, Nev, for example, wasNov 28, 2010· MinEx Consulting Strategic advice on mineral economics & exploration There is a tradeoff between tonnes and grade Rio Blanco copper deposit 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 1 10 100 1000 10000 16 Grade (%Cuequiv) Resource (million tonnes) Source: MinEx Consulting March 2010 1100 mt @ 058% Cu = 638 mt Cu 65 mt @ 126% Cu = 082 mt Cu Lowering the cutoff100 Years of Resource Growth for Copper Impact of Costs
A cutoff grade (COG) is an industryaccepted standard expression used to determine what part of a mineral deposit to include in a mineral resource estimate (MRE) For MRE reporting, COGs tend to be rounded down to ensure that material of no economic significance is excluded from the resourceMoved Permanently Redirecting to https://kavijverbeekbe/2017Aug/generalcopperorecutoffgradehtmlkavijverbeekbe
First Quantum’s CLC copper deposit is exceptionally rich, and with ore reserves grading 5% copper it is believed to be the highestgrade openpit active copper mine worldwideMoved Permanently Redirecting to https://kavijverbeekbe/2017Aug/generalcopperorecutoffgradehtmlkavijverbeekbe
pdfssemanticscholarThe average grade of copper ores in the 21st century is below 06 percent copper, with the proportion of ore minerals being less than 2 percent of the total volume of the ore rockTypes of Copper Deposits in the World | An Investor's
Jul 16, 2015· 1 With 441 g/t of gold in reserves, Fire Creek mine, owned by Klondex Mines and located in Nevada, United States, is believed to be the highest grade underground gold mine in the world 2
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